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  • Jake

    September 14, 2023 at 6:37 pm in reply to: Akasha

    That’s “a way” to define it, but we miss out on it by defining it in absolute terms. We can define it in relation to our experience or reaction to it, as long as we are careful to not characterize it as that definitively. It is conceptually the most undefinable, mysterious thing that we could possibly relate to. Think of it like, “The tao that is spoken about is not the true tao” By defining it, we are losing out perceptually on everything else that isn’t labeled by our very limited experience. It’s like trying to understand everything that exists on the planet earth while blindfolded by feeling with our hands. It’s just not possible, otherwise we are deceiving ourselves. The fewer labels, the more we can experience it in its trueness. Try Doing all of the akasha letters, followed by focusing primarily on the kabbalah letter “u” during and let me know if you feel different haha!

    Love your point about thumbs touching over all fingers, I feel there’s definitely something between that and the power of many mudras.

    You can definitely produce Chi energy through instruments. There are YouTube videos of folks demonstrating that. That would be useful for group practices. when I listen to music, sometimes I’ll run kabbalah letters or planetary energies through that. This isn’t serious practice, but it is enriching to use kabbalah for mundane purposes, sometimes for my preferences. Most practitioners don’t do this, as the more reverent you are about kabbalah, the more you can do some of the wilder stuff and get into deep transcendental states like mentioned in the book. For me, engaging in some mundane kabbalah “play” makes me practice more and gives me more intuition about the letters manifesting in real-time throughout the day

    Doing “aum” while connecting with the sunsphere, especially focusing on the akashic center of the sun will definitely bring you clarity on in relation to singing and your body mechanics.

    • Jake

      September 20, 2023 at 10:04 am in reply to: Akasha

      sounds like you have a very strong “grip” on things!

    • Jake

      July 28, 2022 at 1:36 pm in reply to: How do you like to apply Hermetics to your own life?

      Nicely spoken! It is nice to hear how you’re applying hermetics with your experience with the elements

    • Jake

      July 28, 2022 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Introductions: Post your Intros Here

      Lol the text comes across as a mess, HTML weirdness

    • Jake

      June 14, 2022 at 10:45 am in reply to: Introductions: Post your Intros Here

      The IIH Course is suitable for beginners, but it takes time & patience to take personal ownership of the Franz Bardon. Write notes or create mindmaps of the lectures, practice & journal your progress. Then you’ll take ownership of the material & 10x your IIH process.

      Watch a sixty-skills transmission video or live stream & see if you can tune in to the energy. If yes, you’ll get a ton of additional benefits. If not, you’ll still gain intellectual insights & awaken your spirit’s desire for practice & further your clairsentience to be able to tune in later.

    • Jake

      June 14, 2022 at 10:41 am in reply to: Introductions: Post your Intros Here

      I have 10 hrs footage of a separate Invocation course that is suitable for beginners that I am teaching & will release as a course fairly soon. The difference between my course & Marks is that I will be offering structure, Workbooks, & all the necessary energy transmissions so the evocation/invocation process can be done from the start. As long as you can feel the energy at a distance (check out a sixty skills transmission recording or a reiki transmission on youtube to check), it will work perfectly fine for you. You’ll still need to go through the IIH Process even while you do invocation/evocation, but you’ll get the transmissions to work through the FB system energetically at an accelerated rate & speed up the process tremendously.

      FB had in-person students who started evocation as soon as 3 days from working with him, the book had to be watered down for the times & general audience the book was shared with. But in my inner circles, basic & advanced practices are learned & done simultaneously. I took a few in-person students through from working with beings of the elements up to Sunsphere sphere spirits on the same day. Where are they overwhelmed? Yes, but after a good night’s sleep, they now have the skill for life.

      The mystery college, unlike the others, is specifically focused on spiritual development & has groups, a points system, & other elements to give added value. As the site gains traction, I will be able to offer energy transmissions to people who enroll in mark’s courses as well as my courses & other instructors who chose to hop on board.

      We are also offering In-person workshops in Mark’s Elastic force system, Initiation, Evocation, and Kabbalah. Mark is retiring to the public completely for in-person training & doing everything online, so I am providing a platform for the torch to continue for new students