Teacher Training for Chi Kung, Hermetics, and Meditation

Course 6 of 6. This program is recorded from workshops by Mark Rasmus. It covers the theory and practice of giving energy transmissions, esoteric teaching methods, and synchronizing the unconscious for spiritual practice. This is the most advanced & comprehensive course on the market for learning how to do transmissions for your students so they get all the skills that they want out of your classes.

Mark · April 22, 2022

🌟 Teacher Training for Chi Kung, Hermetics, and Meditation

Welcome to an immersive journey of self-discovery and empowerment through Mark Rasmus’ Teacher Training course. Whether you aspire to become a teacher or deepen your personal practice, our course is designed to equip you with the basic skills and wisdom needed to guide others on the path of Chi Kung, Hermetics, and Meditation.

Why Choose Our Teacher Training?

  1. Holistic Approach: Our curriculum integrates the ancient arts of Chi Kung, Hermetics, and Meditation, providing a holistic foundation for both personal transformation and teaching mastery.
  2. Experienced Instructor: Learn from a seasoned instructor with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in each discipline. Benefit from his guidance and personalized insight.
  3. Versatile Skills: Acquire versatile skills to lead Chi Kung sessions, delve into the profound teachings of Hermetics, and guide individuals in the transformative journey of Meditation.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Chi Kung Mastery: Explore the art of cultivating vital life force energy, promoting well-being, and unlocking the body’s innate healing abilities.
  • Hermetics Unveiled: Dive into the ancient mysteries of Hermetics, understanding the principles of alchemy, astrology, and spiritual transformation.
  • Meditation Proficiency: Develop a profound meditation practice, learning techniques to foster mindfulness, inner peace, and spiritual insight.
  • Mechanics of teaching: Understand the behind-the-scenes to facilitate great workshops and energetic transmissions.

Who Is This Course For?

  • Individuals seeking to become teachers in Chi Kung, Hermetics, and Meditation.
  • Practitioners looking to deepen their personal journey and understanding of these transformative arts.
  • teachers who are looking to deepen thier ability to give transmissions of intrinsic energies in many domains.

Join us on this transformative path! Enroll now and embark on a journey of teaching mastery and personal growth.

🚀 Elevate yourself. Empower others. 🌌

About Instructor


6 Courses

+1 enrolled
Not Enrolled
49.99 USD/Month

Course Includes

  • 29 Lessons
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November 14, 2023 3:52 pm

Just to clarify, you don’t need special permission to be a part of this course. If you are curious and want to enroll, then I invite you to do so!

If you have familiarity with the Elastic Force, Tai Chi course, or Mark’s Hermetic material, then you’ll be able to make the most of this course experience.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jake
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